Mr. Kelvin Yu
– The Chairperson of NJCCSF
Kelvin works in IT field and volunteers in Chinese cultural activities for years. The New Jersey Chinese Cultural Studies Foundation (NCCSF) is a non-profit, charitable organization that Kelvin is proud to associate with. Therefore, he also takes up the role of Webmaster for njccsf.org.
Ms. Mu You
– The Vice-Chairperson of NJCCSF
Ms. You is a Mandarin instructor at West Essex High School and K12.com. As the advisor of West Essex Chinese Club, she takes her students on International Field Trips to China, and leads Chinese teachers on Chinese Language Linguistic Tours to the US.
In addition to this, Ms. You currently serves as the vice principal of Huaxia Chinese School. She has worked as the Chair of the Department of Education, the Chief Teaching Advisor of Huaxia Chinese School Headquarters for years. She is in charge of teaching Mandarin and cultural events that cover 22 schools, with more than 6000 students. Every year, Ms. You has been in charge of putting together the Annual Huaxia Teacher Conference of NY, NJ, CT and PA, which is often attended by more than 300 teachers and scholars from different states. She is actively involved in planning and organizing different competitions for the Huaxia students every year. Before being promoted to work at the Huaxia headquarters, she also worked as the Dean of Livingston Huaxia Chinese School in New Jersey for 10 years.

Ms. Wen-Lin Su – Treasurer
Wen-Lin Su is an experienced Chinese language and culture teacher. Prior to joining Chapin School Princeton, she worked at YingHua International School (YHIS) in Kingston, NJ since 2015. During her time there, she held multiple roles, including Director of Academics, International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) and Middle Years Programme (MYP) Coordinator, and Lead Instructor for YHIS STARTALK Chinese Immersion Teacher Practicum Program. She also served as Interim Head of School in the spring of 2021.
Before her tenure at YHIS, Wen-Lin taught Mandarin Chinese at Miss Porter’s School in Connecticut for eight years and was actively involved in various extracurricular activities. She also taught at Murray Hill Chinese Language School and the Chinese Language School of Greater Hartford. In addition, she has experience teaching at various universities and language programs in the United States and Taiwan. Wen-Lin earned a Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese/Mandarin as a Second/Foreign Language from National Taiwan Normal University and a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Literature from National Cheng-Chi University.

Ms. DongDong Chen, Ph.D. – board member
– Associate Professor of Asian Studies, Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Languages Literatures and Cultures at Seton Hall University
Dr. Dongdong Chen, Chairperson of NJCCSF since 2011, is Associate Prof., and Director of the Chinese Program in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Seton Hall University. Trained in linguistics and applied linguistics, she teaches Chinese language, Chinese linguistics, applied linguistics, and methods of teaching Chinese. In addition to teaching and research, Dongdong enjoys serving communities in various positions. She served as Board of Directors (2006-2012), Co-treasurer (2012-2017), and President (2017-2020) for Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York. She served as Vice Chairperson of NJCCSF from 2005 to 2011.
陈东东博士,华研基金会主席,任职于西东大学(Seton Hall University )语言文学文化系,教授中文、汉语语言学、应用语言学等课程。除了教学和研究工作以外,东东积极参与社区服务。她曾担任大纽约地区教师协会理事会干事(2006-2012)、共同财务(2012-2017)、协会会长(2017-2020)。她也担任过华研基金会副主席(2005 – 2011).

Ms. Mali Ou – board member
Ms. Mali Ou is a New Jersey certified teacher and she has been teaching at Watchung Hills Regional High School since 2003. She has developed the curriculum for the 4-year Chinese language program at Watchung Hills including AP Chinese, and taken charge of the annual Chinese Honor Society of the World Languages Department. She served as a Language Dean at Murray Hills Chinese School in year 2004. Besides teaching she also involves in teachers’ training and community services. She has served as President of ATTMS (The Association of Taiwanese Teachers in Mainstream School in NY) since 2012 and Board Member of NJCCSF (New Jersey Chinese Cultural Studies Foundation) since 2009. She has been an AP Chinese Reader for ETS (Education Testing Service) since 2010.
歐瑪麗老師是新澤西華倫鎮華強高中中文教師,她自2003年起任職至今,教授中文二、三、四和 AP課程,並為學區編寫中文教學大綱及課程計劃,她也負責學校一年一度的外語部門中文榮譽學會會員頒獎典禮。 歐老師曾任梅山中文學校2004年教務。除了教學以外她還積極參與教師訓練及社區服務的工作。她自2009年起擔任新澤西華研基金會董事,2012年起擔任大紐約區台灣主流教師聯誼會會長。她也是美國大學理事會AP中文測試閱卷老師。

Ms. Liping Meng (孟丽萍)
– Secretary, board member
Liping Meng taught in the University of International Business and Economics (in Beijing) for 17 years as an assistant and associate professor. She has been teaching in American high schools since 2011. Now she is teaching in Columbia High School. She has two master degrees in Applied Linguistics and Asian Studies (Chinese teaching track). She is now doing an Ed. S(Education Specialist) program at Seton Hall University, graduating in May, 2022. She presented at numerous workshops and nationwide conferences, including:
ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) in 2018, 2019;
NECTFL (Northeastern ACTFL) in 2020;
FLENJ (Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey) in 2017;
CLTA-GNY (Chinese Language Teachers Association-Greater New York) from 2012 to 2018;
In 2016, she won the Best Teaching Activity Award at the 2nd International Symposium of CLTA in University of Maryland.
In 2019, she served as a judge for Chinese Bridge (汉语桥) Chinese & Culture Competition in NY Consulate.
She is passionate about teaching and, in the past eleven years, she has been diligently exploring efficient ways of teaching Chinese in American high schools.

Mr. James Huang – board member
Ed. M. from Rutgers Graduate School of Education. Mandarin and ESL instructor who currently works in Edison High School, and advisor to the National Chinese Honor Society as well as the Chinese Culture Club. Helped start Chinese programs for many schools throughout the state of New Jersey and was a speaker at numerous roundtable events for Mandarin education.